Page 63 - 2024-5期
P. 63
有何效果区别?从句部分省略后意思是否发生变化? (1)Survivors and rescuers whose feel is "emo⁃
随后教师引导学生领会定语从句的语法意义,定语 tional overloaded" should be encouraged to express
从句对被修饰的先行词有限定制约作用,使该词的 their feelings openly,without affecting the rescue work.
含义更具体、更明确,省略后句子意思会发生改变的 (2)Emphasize teamwork: Sharing the workload
定语从句被称为限制性定语从句。第二部分,教师引 and talking about mental stress with other group mem⁃
导学生归纳不同的关系代词所修饰的不同先行词的 bers who are the same situation can help relieve re⁃
种类,随后进行补充(见表2)。 pressed emotions.
(1) Chinese from different provinces donated (3)Urge team members to take breaks: The man⁃
money to the people who have suffered an earthquake. agement of the rescue team should urge the team mem⁃
(2)The survivors whose homes had been de⁃ bers to rest far away from the disaster site,so as to ease
stroyed can get help,such as money for housing recon⁃ their tension that was caused by the disaster scene.
struction. (4)Encourage sharing: Encourage players to share
(3)The reconstruction plan that includes engi⁃ their feelings with whom they work with. This is very im⁃
neering geology,seismic geology was organized by the portant for their mental health.
government. (5)In addition,at the end of each day's relief
(4)The housing reconstruction which should be work,managers should organize mission reporting ses⁃
sions to encourage rescuers to describe what they saw,
in strict compliance with national regulations was well
under way. the difficulties which they encountered,and their psy⁃
(5)People afflicted by a natural disaster were chological feelings.
grateful for the people by whom they were help.
表2 先行词的种类 机干预”深化了灾后重建的主题,让学生在语境的探
关系代词 先行词的种类 索中完成对限制性定语从句语法规则的内化。
that 人、物 7. 拓展主题内涵,落实语法应用
which 物 在完成对目标语法的形式和意义的探究后,主
who 人 题意义下的语法教学应联系学生的学习与生活体
whom 人 验,解决实际问题,使学生关注自身情感体验,将个
whose 人、物
设计意图:在主题语境的引导下,选取“灾后重 时,在这个过程中使学生在具有情境性、真实性和综
建”这一分支的主题语境,引导学生改写句子、通过 合性的教学活动中迁移运用目标语法知识,发展语
讨论和总结内化限制性定语从句的语法意义,层层 用能力,提升语言能力和思维品质。
深入,符合学生的认知发展水平,组内合作与组间竞 (1)搭建支架,关注语法使用
争能活跃课堂气氛、激发学生的学习热情。 学生掌握目标语法的知识后,教师应围绕单
6.借助语境,内化语法规则 元主题语境搭建语法应用支架,使学生在情景化
语法意义的内化需要借助语境,并且前后语境 和综合性的练习中逐步学会使用目标语法,发展
应具有连贯性,在主题语境下的语法项目教学设计 语用能力。
中,教师应结合分支语境引导学生通过多种方式进 教学片段 5:教师向学生呈现灾后工作,尤其是
行内化。 对于地震的预防和平时防灾的工作的相关图片,引
教学片段 4:教师结合“灾后心理危机干预”的 导学生运用限制性定语从句对图片进行相关的描
分支主题语境,让学生选取不同的关系代词,内化语 述,随后让学生思考,除图片上呈现的以外,还有什
法规则和意义。 么地震防灾减灾措施?请用限制性定语从句进行描
选先行词填空: 述。本轮采用小组间竞争得分的方式,一组的成员在
Psychologists encourage open expression of feel⁃ 回答时,其他组负责检查使用是否正确,最后教师加
ings as a self-protection mechanism: 以评价。
教师纵横 2024.5